Combine equal parts of:
- Sodium Ascorbate Powder [vitamin C]
- Green Papaya Powder
- Vionate multivitamin powder for pets
- 5 teaspoons of wheat germ
Mix well and refrigerate.
We give about 1/2 – 1 teaspoon to my chins weekly as a supplement. I have no data that it is better for them, but this way they get the papaya for hair balls and digestion, extra vitamin C and multivitimins too. With this mix, it is important that they have enough water. I buy the Ascorbate Powder (Vitamin C) and papaya from the local health food store, and the vionate from the large pet emporium supply store nearby. The wheat germ I keep frozen to delay spoilage between use. Calcium is obtained from the Calf Manna in the pellet mix.
One product we have had good results with for sick chins is a powder we obtained from a heath food store. It is called Spectrum Nutritional Shake by NutriBiotic, is vegetarian based, and has a high number of nutrients and vitamins. We find that to mix a heaping teaspoon of the Nutritional Shake powder with 3 teaspoons of baby food (pears, pears/rasberries, sweet potatoes, carrots) and a half teaspoon of the Sodium Ascorbate. This makes a mush which we put into a small saucer and feed to our sick chins twice a day until the patient’s appetite returns.
Any high nutrient, high vitamin shake powder that is a nutritional additive for vegetarians is good to use. A lot of searching is sometimes necessary to find a good product. Not all products are the same so be careful to read the label for vegetarian/soy based content and all amino acids and vitamins and minerals known to man as the nutrient packed supplement for a sick chin.
Another supplement I use is Acerola C chewable vitamin C tablets, 500 mg. My chins think of this as a treat and get one every other day. Some will not eat the above vitamin mix and this method ensures that they get vitamin C.