
Cage Matchup Appointments

So, your chin(s) is interested in having a cagemate? We state it that way as the choice for a cagemate really is his/her decision/choice. Kinda like people, chins have to choose their friends and unfortunately we cannot force any chin on them. We have seen some really nasty fights and sometimes the loser does not survive. We also only matchup chins of the same sex so there are no planned/unplanned babies. Sometimes, we may have neutered males available but never spayed females.

Before that occurs, do you have an extra cage in case you need to separate them? We do have some new/used Midwest Critter Nation cages for sale. The reason for a spare cage is that like all animals (and some people), chins might be friends in a neutral public location but get very protective of “his/her” cage when brought back home and fights may break out. Which is why we recommend that when you get home and before putting the chins back in the cage, the cage is redecorated. Move the food dish/water bottle to different areas. Change the ledges around similar to spring cleaning the house and rearranging the furniture. This makes the cage new and neutral again. Kinda like how newlyweds move into a new home and make it “their’s” vs staying in one’s or the other’s place and the other person feels kinda out of place. Compatible chins will easily work out this “new” home and find their own common/private areas.

When we do matchups we are essentially speed things up a bit. The reason one is required to bring their chin is that we put your chin in neutral play zone and bring chins in/out which is basically chin speed-dating to see who gets along with who (may be one, more or none). It is a simple but not always a fast process (as we always say “dating is hard”).

Knowing the chins’ personalities beforehand, speed dating for compatible chins, using the “smooch-method” for the ride home and a remodeled cage is how we speed up a cage matchup from several weeks to a couple of days (assuming a compatible chin is found during the speed dating round – if not then another round is scheduled for a later date).

To book an appointment, simply select the “Chinchilla Matchup Adoption (cagemate)” block and click “Book” to schedule a 2-hour appointment for any available time. SquareUp will send you a confirmation email and/or text msg.

Do you have any questions?