
Adoption Appointments
It does not matter to us whether you are looking to adopt now, later or just want to learn about Chinchillas. Starting is as simple as setting an appointment at our Sunnyvale, CA (SFBay Area) location where you will learn how wonderful chins are with a simple Chin-101 introduction while interacting/playing with the chins. Hopefully, if, you will find a chin with a personality that matches you and creates a bond that will last a long time. You can even take the chin home that day if you are ready.

We recommend you do not get a cage until after our Chin-101 as we will go over cage/cages accessories during the session. Yes, we do have some new/used Midwest Critter Nation cages for sale along with new/used wheels, new shelves and tunnels available as well. If you are not ready, we can hold a selected chin for a few days until you are ready to bring the chin home.

To book an appointment, simply select the “Adoption/Informational” block and click “Book” to schedule a 2-hour appointment for any available time. SquareUp will send you a confirmation email and/or text msg.

Do you have any questions?